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Java Concurrency In Practice Pdf Github

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Thread Safety with Phaser, StampedLock and VarHandle Phasers! Allows threads to coordinate by phases Similar to CountDownLatch and CyclicBarrier, but more flexible. helps you find new open source packages, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon. Java; Java 5; Java 5.0 tiger; Java 7; Java Concurrency in Practice; Java Generics and Collections; Java How to Program; Java I/O; Java Programming 24-Hour Trainer; Java cookbook, second edition; Java enterprise in a nutshell, third edition; Java in a nutshell, fifth edition; Java network programming, third edition; Java persistence with. Process
Self contained execution environment
Own memory space
Interprocess execution environment
Process have at least one Threading Strategies
Instantiate own Thread s on demand
Pass tasks to an Executor (As described later) Defining and starting a thread
Two methods:
Best practice: define Runnable class object
Other option: Extend Thread and execute Pausing Threads
Suspends thread for defined time
Not guaranteed to be precise. It's as precise as the OS may be
Cannot assume it will not be interrupted Interrupts
Usually given with InterruptedException
Thread should stop and do something else
Very common for stopping threads Join
Waits for a Thread to complete
Can have timeout like Thread.sleep() throwing InterruptedException when timed out SimpleThreads Example
Locks done through internal Java API known as monitor s
Allows only one thread to hold the lock
2 threads accessing at once causes one to block until other gives up the monitor
Automatic acquisition and release when using synchronize 'd methods
Static methods provide class level locks Synchronized Statements
Allows Object to be specified as the intrinsic lockExample using lock1 and lock2 as locks:
Must be careful with using this method
Make sure interleaving access to the fields is alright Atomic Access
References and primitives are atomic writes
Except long and double
Reads are atomic for all volatile variables
Atomic access is more efficient than synchronize 'd code
It requires more care, however Deadlocks
Two Thread s waiting for each other to do something
Thread s will never end and must be interrupted Starvation
synchronize 'd method which is slow
One Thread calls method many times
Another Thread must now wait long periods before using method Livelock
Two Thread s constantly responding to eachother
Not technically blocked, simply too busy to respond Guarded Blocks
Coordinated actions between Thread s
Works by polling a condition that must be true to continue
Uses Object.wait() until interrupted and condition check can try again Example:
Note the InterruptedException is not the end of the loop, it just works to start the Thread back up and check the conditional once more
Invoking wait() inside synchronize 'd methods is an easy way to acquirethe intrinsic lock
Object.notifyAll() is usually better than Object.notify()
Object.notify() does not specify which Thread is woken up
Java Collections Framework has guarded block objects High Level Concurrency Objects Lock Objects - Locking idioms to simplify concurrent applications Executors - API for thread management Concurrent Collections - Collections with reduced need of synchronize Atomic Variables - Minimize syncing + memory consistency issues ThreadLocalRandom - Psudorandom numbers from multiple Thread s Lock Objects and the Lock Interface
Very similar to implicit locks
Support wait/notify through condition objects
Can back out of lock acquisition attempt
Lock.tryLock() backs out if not available or times out
Lock.lockInterruptibly() backs out if another Thread interrupts priorto acquisition Executors - Interfaces, Pools and Fork/Join
3 Interfaces:
Executor - Launcher for new tasks
ExecutorService - Subinterface of Executor with lifecycle managementfeatures
ScheduledExecutorService - Scheduled subinterface of ExecutorService Executor Interface
The java.util.concurrent implementation uses worker threads andmore advanced functionality such as thread pools ExecutorService Interface
ExecutorService.submit(Runnable Callable)
Returns Future object
Retrieves Callable return value
Manages status of Callable and Runnable tasks
Methods for submitting Collection s of Callable tasks
Manages shutdown of the Executor ScheduledExecutorService Interface
Executes Runnable or Callable tasks after a delay
ScheduledExecutorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay() Thread Pools - java.util.concurrent.Executors
Minimizes Thread objects to instantiate
Alloc/Dealloc of Thread memory space is expensive
Fixed Thread Pool:
Specified number of Thread s
Terminated Thread s are replaced with new ones
Submitted via internal queue for when there are more tasks than availableworker Thread s
Graceful degredation
Can't spin up more Thread s
Keeps execution within system limits, even when many tasks Fork Join
Implementation of ExecutorService
Built for multicore/many processors
Designed for small units of work built recursively
Goal is to use all available hardware power
Uses worker threads in a thread pool
Idle worker threads steal tasks from other busy threads Basic Use
Usually RecursiveTask or RecursiveAction Impl
Written with StackEdit.
Java greatness
This is my fork of Awesome Java and useful Java links. Mahabharat star plus episodes download . Core utilities
Widely used libraries that you will almost always need and never want to reinvent. Proven and core dependencies for Java development
Guava - Collections, caching, primitives support, immutable collections, concurrency libraries, common annotations, string processing, I/O, and more. Very lightweight.
Apache Commons Lang String manipulation methods, basic numerical methods, object reflection, concurrency, creation and serialization and System properties. Additionally it contains basic enhancements to java.util.Date and a series of utilities dedicated to help with building methods, such as hashCode, toString and equals.
Apache Commons IO Library of utilities to assist with developing IO functionality. Utility classes - with static methods to perform common tasks, Input/Output Stream and Reader/Writer implementations, filters, comparators, etc. Good reading Build Tools
Tools which handle the build cycle and dependencies of an application.
Apache Maven - Declarative build and dependency management which favors convention over configuration. It might be preferable to Apache Ant which uses a rather procedural approach and can be difficult to maintain.
Apache Ant - Build process management with XML.
Bazel - Build tool from Google that builds code quickly and reliably. It's still in beta, but usable. Huge future potoential.
Gradle - Incremental builds which are programmed via Groovy instead of declaring XML. Works well with Maven's dependency management. Classpath Scanning
ClassIndex - ClassIndex is a much quicker alternative to every run-time annotation scanning library like Reflections or Scannotations.
FastClasspathScanner - FastClasspathScanner is an uber-fast, ultra-lightweight classpath scanner for Java, Scala and other JVM languages. Source control hosting / browsing
Gogs - A painless self-hosted Git service
RhodeCode - Centralized control for distributed repositories. Mercurial, Git, and Subversion under a single roof.
Phabricator - Phabricator is a complete set of tools for developing software. Included apps help you manage tasks and sprints, review code, host git, svn, or mercurial repositories, build with continuous integration, review designs, discuss in internal chat channels. Continuous Integration
Tools which support continuously building, testing and releasing applications.
Hudson - Continuous integration server still in active development.
Bamboo - Atlassian's solution with good integration of their other products. You can either apply for an open-source license or buy it.
fabric8 - Integration platform for containers.
GoCD - ThoughtWork's open-source solution.
Jenkins - Provides server-based deployment services. Also see Blue Ocean.
TeamCity - JetBrain's CI solution with a free version.
Travis - Hosted service often used for open-source projects.
Concourse - Open-source. Pipelines are defined as a single declarative config file, composing together just three core concepts
CircleCI - A payed continuous integration and delivery platform. Very popular. High Performance Collections And Libraries
Everything about high performance computation, from collections to specific libraries.
Trove - The Trove library provides high speed regular and primitive collections for Java. Faster and uses less memory.
HPPC - High Performance Primitive Collections. Optimized for high performance and memory efficiency.
Eclipse Collections - Reduce memory footprint, usability improvements. Formerly called gs-collections.
Google Guava Collections - Mostly used for the immutable sets, lists, maps. Usability improvements.
High Scale Library - Fast, concurrent, lock-free HashMap. Linear scaling to 768 CPUs: NonBlockingHashMap, NonBlockingHashSet, etc.
Agrona - Data structures and utility methods that are common in high-performance applications.
Disruptor - Inter-thread messaging library.
fastutil - Fast and compact type-specific collections.
JCTools - Concurrency tools currently missing from the JDK.
Koloboke - Hash sets and hash maps.
ExpiringMap - A high performance, low-overhead, zero dependency, thread-safe ConcurrentMap implementation that expires entries. JSON
Libraries for serializing and deserializing JSON to and from Java objects.
Gson - Serializes objects to JSON and vice versa. Good performance with on-the-fly usage.
Jackson - Similar to GSON but has performance gains if you need to instantiate the library more often.
Genson - Powerful and easy to use Java to JSON conversion library.
JSON-io - Convert Java to JSON. Convert JSON to Java. Pretty print JSON. Java JSON serializer.
LoganSquare - JSON parsing and serializing library based on Jackson's streaming API. Outpeforms GSON Jackson's library. JSON Processing
Libraries for processing data in JSON format.
fastjson - Very fast processor with no additional dependencies and full data binding.
Jolt - JSON to JSON transformation tool.
JsonPath - Extract data from JSON using XPATH like syntax.
JsonSurfer - Streaming JsonPath processor dedicated to processing big and complicated JSON data. Bytecode Manipulation
Libraries to manipulate bytecode programmatically.
ASM - All purpose, low level, bytecode manipulation and analysis.
Byte Buddy - Further simplifies bytecode generation with a fluent API.
Byteman - Manipulate bytecode at runtime via DSL (rules) mainly for testing/troubleshooting.
Javassist - Tries to simplify the editing of bytecode.
cglib - Bytecode generation library. Cluster Management
Frameworks which can dynamically manage applications inside of a cluster.
Apache Aurora - Apache Aurora is a Mesos framework for long-running services and cron jobs.
Apache Mesos - Abstracts CPU, memory, storage, and other compute resources away from machines.
Singularity - Singularity is a Mesos framework that makes deployment and operations easy. It supports web services, background workers, scheduled jobs, and one-off tasks. Code Analysis
Iconstix 3 999. Tools that provide metrics and quality measurements.
Checkstyle - Static analysis of coding conventions and standards.
Codacy - Continuous static analysis, code coverage, and software metrics to automate code reviews.
Error Prone - Catches common programming mistakes as compile-time errors.
FindBugs - Static analysis of bytecode to find potential bugs.
jQAssistant - Static code analysis with Neo4J-based query language.
PMD - Source code analysis for finding bad coding practices.
SonarQube - Integrates other analysis components via plugins and provides an overview of the metrics over time. Code Coverage
Frameworks and tools that enable collection of code coverage metrics for test suites.
Clover - Proprietary code coverage tool by Atlassian that relies on source-code instrumentation, instead of bytecode instrumentation.
Cobertura - Relies on offline (or static) bytecode instrumentation and class loading to collect code coverage metrics; GPLv2 licensed.
JaCoCo - Framework that enables collection of code coverage metrics, using both offline and runtime bytecode instrumentation; prominently used by EclEmma, the Eclipse code-coverage plugin. Code Style
Google Java Style Guilde - A complete definition of Google's coding standards for source code in the Java Programming Language. Command-line Argument Parsers
Libraries that make it easy to parse command line options, arguments, etc.
args4j - Small library to parse command like arguments similar to javac.
Airline - Java annotation-based framework for parsing Git like command line structures.
JCommander - Command line arguments parsing framework with custom types and validation via implementing interfaces.
JOpt Simple - Simple parser that uses the POSIX getopt() and GNU getopt_long() syntaxes. Does not use annotations, uses a fluent API instead. Compilers, Compiler-compiler
Frameworks that compile, help to create parsers, interpreters, or compilers.
ANTLR - Complex full-featured framework for top-down parsing.
JavaCC - More specific and slightly easier to learn. Has syntactic lookahead.
Rootbeer - The Rootbeer GPU Compiler lets you use GPUs from within Java.
SableCC - SableCC is a parser generator which generates fully featured object-oriented frameworks for building compilers, interpreters and other text parsers. In particular, generated frameworks include intuitive strictly-typed abstract syntax trees and tree walkers.
parboiled - a mixed Java/Scala library providing for lightweight and easy-to-use, yet powerful and elegant parsing of arbitrary input text based on Parsing expression grammars (PEGs). Configuration
Libraries that provide external configuration.
Typesafe Config - Configuration library for JVM languages.
owner - Reduces boilerplate of properties. Constraint Satisfaction Problem Solver
Libraries that help on implementing optimization and satisfiability problems.
Choco - Off-the-shelf constraint satisfaction problem solver, which uses constraint programming techniques.
JaCoP - Includes an interface for the FlatZinc language, enabling it to execute MiniZinc models.
OptaPlanner - Business planning and resource scheduling optimization solver. CSV
Frameworks and libraries that simplify reading/writing CSV data.
opencsv - Simple CSV parser with a commercial-friendly license.
Super CSV - Powerful CSV parser with support for Dozer, Joda-Time and Java 8.
uniVocity-parsers - One of the fastest and most feature-complete CSV. Also comes with parsers for TSV and fixed width records. Database
Everything which simplifies interactions with the database.
Apache Hive - Data warehouse infrastructure built on top of Hadoop.
Apache Phoenix - High performance relational database layer over HBase for low latency applications.
Chronicle Map - Efficient in-memory (opt. persisted to disk) off-heap key-value store.
eXist - A NoSQL document database and application platform.
FlexyPool - Brings metrics and failover strategies to the most common connection pooling solutions.
Flyway - Simple database migration tool.
H2 - Small SQL Database notable for its in-memory functionality.
HikariCP - High performance JDBC connection pool.
JDBI - Convenient abstraction of JDBC.
Jedis - A small client for interaction with redis, with methods for commands.
jOOQ - Generates typesafe code based on SQL schema.
Liquibase - Database-independent library for tracking, managing and applying database schema changes.
MapDB - Embedded database engine that provides concurrent collections backed on disk or in off-heap memory.
Presto - Distributed SQL query engine for big data.
Querydsl - Typesafe unified queries.
Realm - Mobile database to run directly inside phones, tablets or wearables.
Redisson - Allows for distributed and scalable data structures on top of a Redis server.
Speedment - A database access library that utilizes the Java 8 Stream API for querying.
Vibur DBCP - JDBC connection pool library which offers advanced performance monitoring capabilities. Data structures
Efficient and specific data structures.
Apache Avro - Data interchange format featuring among others: dynamic typing, untagged data, absence of manually assigned IDs.
Apache Orc - Fast and efficient columnar storage format for hadoop based workloads.
Apache Parquet - Columnar storage format based on assembly algorithms from the Dremel paper by Google.
Apache Thrift - Data interchange format that originated at Facebook.
Persistent Collection - Persistent and immutable analogue of the Java Collections Framework.
Protobuf - Google's data interchange format.
SBE - Simple Binary Encoding, one of the fastest message formats around.
Wire - Clean, lightweight protocol buffers.
Amazon Ion - Amazon Ion is a richly-typed, self-describing, hierarchical data serialization format offering interchangeable binary and text representations. The text format (a superset of JSON) is easy to read and author, supporting rapid prototyping. The binary representation is efficient to store, transmit, and skip-scan parse.
JavaLite ActiveJDBC - Fast ORM for agile development Date and Time
Libraries related to handling date and time.
Humanize Java facility for adding a human touch to data.
Natty Natty is a natural language date parser written in Java. Very powerful, look at the example tests.
PrettyTime Human time parsing library for Java
jchronic A port of Ruby's Chronic library to work with human and relative times.
Almanac Converter - Simple conversion between different calendar systems.
Joda-Time - De facto standard date/time-library before Java 8.
ThreeTenBP - Port of JSR 310 (java.time package) by the author of Joda-Time.
Time4J - Advanced date and time library. Dependency Injection
Libraries that help to realize the Inversion of Control paradigm.
Guice - Lightweight but powerful framework that completes Dagger.
Spring DI - The Spring Framework provides a comprehensive programming and configuration model for modern Java-based enterprise applications.
Apache DeltaSpike - CDI extension framework.
Dagger2 - Compile-time injection framework without reflection.
HK2 - Light-weight and dynamic dependency injection framework. Development and Code Generation
Augmentation of the development process at a fundamental level.
Lombok- Code-generator which aims to reduce the verbosity.
Auto - Collection of source code generators. Includes AutoValue that has immutable value classes, equals, hashCode and toString
Immutables - Java annotation processors to generate simple, safe and consistent value objects. Simliar to Lombok and AutoValue.
ADT4J - JSR-269 code generator for algebraic data types.
AspectJ - Seamless aspect-oriented programming extension.
DCEVM - Modification of the JVM that allows unlimited redefinition of loaded classes at runtime.
HotswapAgent - Unlimited runtime class and resource redefinition.
JHipster - Yeoman source code generator to create applications based on Spring Boot and AngularJS.
JRebel - Commercial software that instantly reloads code and configuration changes without redeploys.
Spring Loaded - Class reloading agent. Caching / Distributed Caching
This has a lot of overlap with NoSQL databases.
Ehcache - Distributed general purpose cache.
Couchbase - An open-source, distributed multi-model NoSQL document-oriented database software package that is optimized for interactive applications.
Riak - A distributed NoSQL key-value data store that offers high availability, fault tolerance, operational simplicity, and scalability
Memcached - A general-purpose distributed memory caching system.
Redis - A data structure server. It is open-source, networked, in-memory, and stores keys with optional durability.
Varnish - Open source HTTP engine/reverse HTTP proxy.
Caffeine - High performance, near optimal caching library. Distributed Computing
Libraries and frameworks for writing distributed and fault-tolerant applications.
Apache Hadoop - Storage and large-scale processing of that supports JVM-optimized containers.
Central Repository - Largest binary component repository available as a free service to the open-source community. Default used by Apache Maven and available in all other build tools.
IzPack - Setup authoring tool for cross-platform deployments.
JitPack - Easy to use package repository for GitHub. Builds Maven/Gradle projects on demand and publishes ready-to-use packages.
Nexus - Binary management with proxy and caching capabilities.
packr - Packs JARs, assets and the JVM for native distribution on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
Launch4j - Wraps JARs in lightweight and native Windows executables. Document Processing
Libraries that assist with processing office document formats. Autodata 3.18 crack free download .
Apache POI - Supports OOXML (XLSX, DOCX, PPTX) as well as OLE2 (XLS, DOC or PPT).
documents4j - API for document format conversion using third-party converters such as MS Word.
docx4j - Creating and manipulating Microsoft Open XML files. Throttling
Guava RateLimiter - Distributes permits at a configurable rate
Distributed throttling with Akka - Also see this article, Throttling Messages in Akka 2
Threadly - Another way to limit executions on a scheduler. Formal Verification
Formal-methods tools: proof assistants, model checking, symbolic execution etc.
CATG - Concolic unit testing engine. Automatically generates unit tests using formal methods.
Checker Framework - Pluggable type systems. Includes nullness types, physical units, immutability types and more.
Daikon - Daikon detects likely program invariants and can generate JML specs based on those invariats.
Java Path Finder (JPF) - JVM formal verification tool containing a model checker and more. Created by NASA.
JMLOK 2.0 - Detects nonconformances between code and JML specification through the feedback-directed random tests generation, and suggests a likely cause for each nonconformance detected.
KeY - The KeY System is a formal software development tool that aims to integrate design, implementation, formal specification, and formal verification of object-oriented software as seamlessly as possible. Uses JML for specification and symbolic execution for verification.
OpenJML - Translates JML specifications into SMT-LIB format and passes the proof problems implied by the program to backend solvers.
TLA+ - A formal specification language developed by Leslie Lamport. It is used to design, model, document, and verify concurrent systems. TLA+ has been described as exhaustively-testable pseudocode and blueprints for software systems. Functional Programming
Remember the milk . Libraries that facilitate functional programming.
cyclops-react - Monad and stream utilities, comprehensions, pattern matching, functional extensions for all JDK collections, future streams, trampolines and much more.
derive4j - Java 8 annotation processor and framework for deriving algebraic data types constructors, pattern-matching, morphisms.
Fugue - Functional extensions to Guava.
Functional Java - Implements numerous basic and advanced programming abstractions that assist composition-oriented development.
Javaslang - Functional component library that provides persistent data types and functional control structures.
jOO - Extension to Java 8 which aims to fix gaps in lambda, providing numerous missing types and a rich set of sequential Stream API additions. Game Development
Frameworks that support the development of games.
jMonkeyEngine - Game engine for modern 3D development.
libGDX - All-round cross-platform, high-level framework.
LWJGL - Robust framework that abstracts libraries like OpenGL/CL/AL. Geospatial
Libraries for working with geospatial data and algorithms.
Apache SIS - Library for developing geospatial applications.
Geo - GeoHash utilities in Java. - Library for developing geospatial applications. Built on top of the Apache SIS project.
GeoTools - Library that provides tools for geospatial data.
H2GIS - A spatial extension of the H2 database.
Jgeohash - Library that can assist Java developers in using the GeoHash algorithm.
Mapsforge - Software for the rendering of maps based on OpenStreetMap data.
Spatial4j - General purpose spatial/geospatial ASL licensed open-source Java library. GUI
Libraries to create modern graphical user interfaces.
JavaFX - The successor of Swing.
Scene Builder - Visual layout tool for JavaFX applications.
SWT - The Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) is a graphical widget toolkit for use with the Java platform. Job Scheduling Java Concurrency In Practice Pdf Github
Quartz - Quartz can be used to create simple or complex schedules for executing tens, hundreds, or even tens-of-thousands of jobs; jobs whose tasks are defined as standard Java components that may execute virtually anything you may program them to do. IDE
Integrated development environments that try to simplify several aspects of development.
Eclipse - Established, open-souce project with support for lots of plugins and languages.
IntelliJ IDEA - Supports a lot of JVM languages and provides good options for Android development. The commercial edition targets the enterprise sector.
NetBeans - Provides integration for several Java SE and EE features from database access to HTML5. Imagery
Libraries that assist with the creation, evaluation or manipulation of graphical images.
Imgscalr - Simple and efficient hardware-accelerated image-scaling library implemented in pure Java 2D.
Thumbnailator - Thumbnailator is a high-quality thumbnail generation library for Java.
TwelveMonkeys - Collection of plugins which extend the number of supported image file formats.
ZXing - Multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library. JVM and JDK Java Concurrency Best Practices
Current implementations of the JVM/JDK. Java Concurrency In Practice Pdf Github Download
Avian - JVM with both a JIT AOT modes. Includes an iOS port.
JDK 9 - Early access releases of JDK 9.
OpenJDK - Open-source implementation for Linux.
ParparVM - VM with non-blocking concurrent GC for iOS.
Zulu OpenJDK 9 - Early access OpenJDK 9 builds for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
Zulu OpenJDK - OpenJDK builds for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X through Java 8. Logging
Libraries that log the behavior of an application.
Apache Log4j 2 - Complete rewrite with a powerful plugin and configuration architecture.
graylog - Open-source aggregator suited for extended role and permission management.
kibana - Analyzes and visualizes log files. Some features require payment.
Logback - Robust logging library with interesting configuration options via Groovy.
logstash - Tool for managing log files.
SLF4J - Abstraction layer which is to be used with an implementation.
tinylog - Lightweight logging framework with static logger class. Load Balancers
bamboo - Bamboo is a web daemon that automatically configures HAProxy for web services deployed on Apache Mesos and Marathon.
minuteman - A distributed, highly available service discovery internal load balancer for distributed systems (microservices and containers). Machine Learning
Tools that provide specific statistical algorithms which allow learning from data.
Apache Flink - Fast and reliable large-scale data processing engine.
Apache Mahout - Scalable algorithms focused on collaborative filtering, clustering and classification.
DeepDive - Creates structured information from unstructured data and integrates it into an existing database.
Deeplearning4j - Distributed and multi-threaded deep learning library.
H2O - Analytics engine for statistics over big data.
JSAT - Algorithms for pre-processing, classification, regression, and clustering with support for multi-threaded execution.
Oryx 2 - A framework for building real-time large scale machine learning applications, which also includes end-to-end applications for collaborative filtering, classification, regression, and clustering.
Smile - The Statistical Machine Intelligence and Learning Engine provides a set of machine learning algorithms and a visualization library.
Weka - Collection of algorithms for data mining tasks ranging from pre-processing to visualization. Monitoring
Tools that monitor applications in production.
AppDynamics - Commercial performance monitor.
JavaMelody - Performance monitoring and profiling.
jmxtrans - Tool to connect to multiple JVMs and to query them for their attributes via JMX. Its query language is based on JSON, which allows non-Java programmers to access the JVMs attributes. Likewise, this tool supports different output writes, including Graphite, Ganglia, StatsD, among others.
Jolokia - JMX over REST.
Kamon - Tool for monitoring applications running on the JVM.
Metrics - Expose metrics via JMX or HTTP and can send them to a database.
New Relic - Commercial performance monitor.
Prometheus - Provides a multi-dimensional data model, DSL, autonomous server nodes and much more.
SPM - Commercial performance monitor with distributing transaction tracing for JVM apps.
Takipi - Commercial in-production error monitoring and debugging. Native
Best sub compact tractor for mowing . For working with platform-specific native libraries. .
JNA - Work with native libraries without writing JNI. Also provides interfaces to common system libraries.
JNR - Work with native libraries without writing JNI. Also provides interfaces to common system libraries. Same goals as JNA, but faster, and serves as the basis for the upcoming Project Panama. Natural Language Processing
Libraries that specialize on processing text.
CoreNLP - Stanford's CoreNLP provides a set of fundamental tools for tasks like tagging, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis and many more.
DKPro - A collection of re-usable NLP tools for linguistic pre-processing, machine learning, lexical resources, etc.
LingPipe - Toolkit for a variety of tasks ranging from POS tagging to sentiment analysis.
Apache OpenNLP - Toolkit for common tasks like tokenization.
JFlex - The Fast Scanner Generator for Java. JFlex is a lexical analyzer generator (also known as scanner generator). Networking
Libraries for network programming.
Async Http Client - Asynchronous HTTP and WebSocket client library.
Comsat - Integrates standard Java web-related APIs with Quasar fibers and actors.
Finagle - Extensible RPC system used to construct high-concurrency servers. It implements uniform client and server APIs for several protocols, and is protocol agnostic, which simplifies the implementation of new protocols.
Grizzly - NIO framework. Used as a network layer in Glassfish.
Netty - Framework for building high performance network applications.
Nifty - Implementation of Thrift clients and servers on Netty.
OkHttp - HTTP+SPDY client.
Undertow - Web server providing both blocking and non-blocking APIs based on NIO. Used as a network layer in WildFly.
urnlib - Java library for representing, parsing and encoding URNs as in RFC 2141. ORM
APIs which handle the persistence of objects.
Ebean - Provides simple and fast data access.
EclipseLink - Supports a number of persistence standards: JPA, JAXB, JCA and SDO.
Hibernate - Robust and widely used with an active community.
MyBatis - Couples objects with stored procedures or SQL statements. PDF
Everything that helps with the creation of PDF files.
Apache FOP - Creates PDF from XSL-FO.
Apache PDFBox - Toolbox for creating and manipulating PDF.
Dynamic Jasper - Abstraction layer to JasperReports.
DynamicReports - Simplifies JasperReports.
flyingsaucer - XML/XHTML and CSS 2.1 renderer.
iText - Creates PDF files programmatically but requires a license for commercial purposes.
JasperReports - Complex reporting engine. Benchmarking and Performance analysis
Tools for performance analysis, profiling and benchmarking.
jmh - Really good tool. Annotate methods for benchmarking. JMH is a Java harness for building, running, and analysing nano/micro/milli/macro benchmarks written in Java and other languages targetting the JVM.
ab - Apache bench, while not strictly for Java, it's a great tool for load testing services.
honest-profiler - An low-overhead, bias-free sampling profiler.
jHiccup - Logs and records platform JVM stalls.
JProfiler - Commercial profiler.
LatencyUtils - Utilities for latency measurement and reporting.
XRebel - A commercial profiler for Java Web applications.
YourKit Java Profiler - Commercial profiler. Reactive libraries
Libraries for developing reactive applications.
Reactive Streams - Provide a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking backpressure.
Reactor - Library for building reactive fast-data applications.
RxJava - Library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences from the JVM.
vert.x - Vert.x is event driven and non blocking. This means your app can handle a lot of concurrency using a small number of kernel threads. Vert.x lets your app scale with minimal hardware. Similar to node.js or Twisted for Python. Java Service frameworks
Dropwizard - Dropwizard is a Java framework for developing ops-friendly, high-performance, RESTful web services. Dropwizard has out-of-the-box support for sophisticated configuration, application metrics, logging, operational tools, and much more.
gRPC - A high performance, open source, general RPC framework that puts mobile and HTTP/2 first.
gwizard - A modular toolkit for building web services with Guice, inspired by DropWizard
Resteasy - REST and JAXRS
Apache Thrift - The Apache Thrift software framework, for scalable cross-language services development, combines a software stack with a code generation engine to build services that work efficiently and seamlessly between C++, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Erlang, Perl, Haskell, C, Cocoa, JavaScript, Node.js, Smalltalk, OCaml and Delphi and other languages.
Apache CXF - CXF helps you build and develop services using frontend programming APIs, like JAX-WS and JAX-RS. These services can speak a variety of protocols such as SOAP, XML/HTTP, RESTful HTTP, or CORBA and work over a variety of transports such as HTTP, JMS or JBI.
Jersey - JAX-RS reference implementation.
Vert.x - Vert.x is event driven and non blocking. This means your app can handle a lot of concurrency using a small number of kernel threads. Vert.x lets your app scale with minimal hardware. Similar to node.js or Twisted for Python.
Microserver A convenient extensible Microservices plugin system for Spring Spring Boot, with over 30 plugins and growing, that supports both micro-monolith and pure microservices styles. API Specification / Code generation from spec
Swagger (Open API) - The OpenAPI Specification (originally known as the Swagger Specification) is a specification for machine-readable interface files for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services. A variety of tools can generate code, documentation and test cases given an interface file.
RAML - RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML) makes it easy to manage the whole API lifecycle from design to sharing. REST Frameworks
Feign - HTTP client binder inspired by Retrofit, JAXRS-2.0, and WebSocket. Makes writing java http clients easier. - Framework for building robust, scalable RESTful architectures using type-safe bindings and asynchronous, non-blocking IO with an end-to-end developer workflow that promotes clean practices, uniform interface design and consistent data modeling.
RESTEasy - Fully certified and portable implementation of the JAX-RS specification.
RestExpress - Thin wrapper on the JBoss Netty HTTP stack to provide scaling and performance.
Restlet Framework - Pioneering framework with powerful routing and filtering capabilities, unified client and server API.
Retrofit - Type-safe REST client. Math and Science
Libraries for math, scientific computing, analysis, and visualization.
axibase - BigDecimal implementation of Apache Commons Math Descriptive Statistics and Summary Statistics.
Apache Math - The Apache Commons Mathematics Library
DataMelt - Environment for scientific computation, data analysis and data visualization.
GraphStream - Library for modeling and analysis of dynamic graphs.
JGraphT - Graph library that provides mathematical graph-theory objects and algorithms.
JGraphX - Library for visualisation (mainly Swing) and interaction with node-edge graphs.
t-digest - A data structure for accurate on-line accumulation of rank-based statistics such as quantiles and trimmed means. Retries, exponential backoff, failure handling
Failsafe - Simple, sophisticated failure handling.
async-retry - Asynchronous retrying for Java 7/8
guava-retrying - This is a small extension to Google's Guava library to allow for the creation of configurable retrying strategies for an arbitrary function call, such as something that talks to a remote service with flaky uptime. Search
Engines which index documents for search and analysis.
Apache Lucene - High-performance, full-featured cross-platform text search engine library.
SSTable Adaptor - SSTable Adaptor is a thin library stripped out of Cassandra code base that can be injected into any JVM languages to read/write SSTable formatted data. Furthermore, out of the box, it can read/write data from/to various data storage such as S3, HDFS, local disk, etc.
Apache Solr - Enterprise search engine optimized for high volume traffic.
Elasticsearch - Distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine with a RESTful web interface and schema-free JSON documents. Security
Libraries that handle security, authentication, authorization or session management.
Apache Shiro - Performs authentication, authorization, cryptography and session management.
Bouncy Castle - All-purpose cryptographic library. JCA provider, wide range of functions from basic helpers to PGP/SMIME operations.
Cryptomator - Multiplatform transparent client-side encryption of files in the cloud.
Google Keyczar - Easy to use, yet safe encryption framework with key versioning.
Keycloak - Integrated SSO and IDM for browser apps and RESTful web services.
OACC - Provides permission-based authorization services.
pac4j - Easy and powerful Java security engine to authenticate users, get their profiles, and manage authorizations in order to secure a Java web application.
PicketLink - Umbrella project for security and identity management. Serialization
Libraries that handle serialization with high efficiency.
FlatBuffers - Memory efficient serialization library that can access serialized data without unpacking and parsing it.
FST - JDK compatible high performance object graph serialization.
Kryo - Fast and efficient object graph serialization framework.
MessagePack - Efficient binary serialization format. Server
Servers which are specifically used to deploy applications.
Apache Tomcat - Robust all-round server for Servlet and JSP.
Apache TomEE - Tomcat plus Java EE.
Jetty - Lightweight, small server, often embedded in projects.
WebSphere Liberty - Lightweight, modular server developed by IBM.
WildFly - Formerly known as JBoss and developed by Red Hat with extensive Java EE support.
GlassFish - Application server and reference implementation for Java EE sponsored by Oracle. Template Engine Java Concurrency Pdf
Tools which substitute expressions in a template. - Logic-less and semantic Mustache templates. - Implementation of mustache.js (web application templating system) for Java.
Thymeleaf - Aims to be a substitute for JSP and works for XML files in general.
Apache Velocity - Templates for HTML pages, emails or source code generation in general.
FreeMarker - General templating engine without any heavyweight or opinionated dependencies. Testing
Tools that test from model to the view.
JUnit - Common testing framework.
TestNG - Testing framework.
ConcurrentUnit - Toolkit for testing multi-threaded and asynchronous applications.
Hamcrest - Matchers that can be combined to create flexible expressions of intent.
Apache JMeter - Functional testing and performance measurements.
Arquillian - Integration and functional testing platform for Java EE containers.
AssertJ - Fluent assertions that improve readability.
Awaitility - DSL for synchronizing asynchronous operations.
Citrus - Integration testing framework with focus on client- and serverside messaging.
Cucumber - BDD testing framework.
Gatling - Load testing tool designed for ease of use, maintainability and high performance.
GreenMail - In-memory email server for integration testing. Supports SMTP, POP3 and IMAP including SSL.
J8Spec - J8Spec is a library that allows tests written in Java to follow the BDD style introduced by RSpec and Jasmine.
JGiven - Developer-friendly BDD testing framework compatible with JUnit and TestNG.
JMockit - Mocks static, final methods and more.
junit-dataprovider - A TestNG like dataprovider runner for JUnit.
JUnitParams - Creation of readable and maintainable parametrised tests.
Mockito - Creation of test double objects in automated unit tests for the purpose of TDD or BDD.
Moco - Concise web services for stubs and mocks, Duke's Choice Award 2013.
PIT - Fast mutation-testing framework for evaluating fault-detection abilities of existing JUnit or TestNG test-suites.
PowerMock - Enables mocking of static methods, constructors, final classes and methods, private methods and removal of static initializers.
REST Assured - Java DSL for easy testing for REST/HTTP services.
Selenide - Concise API around Selenium to write stable and readable UI tests.
Selenium - Portable software testing framework for web applications.
Spock - JUnit-compatible framework featuring an expressive Groovy-derived specification language.
Truth - Google's assertion and proposition framework.
WireMock - Stubbs and mocks web services.
Betamax - Betamax is a tool for mocking external HTTP resources such as web services and REST APIs in your tests. The project was inspired by the VCR library for Ruby. Utility
Libraries which provide general utility functions.
Apache Commons - Provides different general purpose functions like configuration, validation, collections, file upload or XML processing.
CRaSH - Provides a shell into a JVM that's running CRaSH. Used by Spring Boot and others.
Dex - Java/JavaFX tool capable of powerful ETL and data visualization.
Gephi - Cross-platform for visualizing and manipulating large graph networks.
Guava - Collections, caching, primitives support, concurrency libraries, common annotations, string processing, I/O, and so forth.
JADE - Framework and environment for building and to debugging multi-agent systems.
JavaVerbalExpressions - A library that helps to construct difficult regular expressions.
Protg - Provides an ontology editor and a framework to build knowledge-based systems. Web Crawling
Libraries that analyze the content of websites.
Apache Nutch - Highly extensible, highly scalable web crawler for production environment.
Crawler4j - Simple and lightweight web crawler.
JSoup - Scrapes, parses, manipulates and cleans HTML. Web Frameworks
Rapidoid - A simple, secure and extremely fast framework consisting of embedded HTTP server, GUI components and dependency injection.
Play Framework - Uses convention over configuration, hot code reloading and display of errors in the browser.
Activeweb - Fully featured Java web framework inspired by Ruby on Rails, and provides such features as on the fly code compilation, full test framework, beautiful restful routes, based on Servlet API, plays nice with other Java standards, and uses ActiveJDBC ORM as DB access layer.
BootsFaces - Takes the best from Bootstrap 3 and jQuery UI to let you develop Front-end Enterprise Applications fast and easy
JavaServer Faces - Oracle's open-source implementation of the JSF standard, Mojarra.
JavaServer Pages - Common templating for websites with custom tag libraries.
GWT - Toolbox which includes a Java-to-JavaScript compiler for client-side code, XML parser, API for RPC, JUnit integration, internationalization support and widgets for the GUI.
Apache Tapestry - Component-oriented framework for creating dynamic, robust, highly scalable web applications.
Apache Wicket - Component-based web application framework similar to Tapestry with a stateful GUI.
Blade - Lightweight, modular framework which aims to be elegant and simple.
Grails - Groovy framework with the aim to provide a highly productive environment by favoring convention over configuration, no XML and support for mixins.
Jooby - Scalable, fast and modular micro framework which offers multiple programming models.
Ninja - Full stack web framework.
Pippo - Small, highly modularized Sinatra-like framework.
PrimeFaces - JSF framework which has a free and a commercial version with support. Provides several frontend components.
Ratpack - Set of libraries that facilitate fast, efficient, evolvable and well tested HTTP applications.
Spring Boot - Microframework which simplifies the development of new Spring applications.
Vaadin - Event-driven framework build on top of GWT. Uses server-side architecture with Ajax on the client-side.
Spark - Sinatra inspired framework. A micro framework for creating web applications in Java 8 with minimal effort. Web development libraries Java Concurrency In Practice Pdf Github Tutorial
ua-parser User agent parser. Model Mapping
Frameworks that ease bean mapping.
Dozer - Mapper that copies data from one object to another, using annotations, API or XML configuration.JMapper - Using byte code manipulation for lightning fast mapping. Supporting annotations, API or XML configuration.
MapStruct - Code generator which simplifies mappings between different bean types, based on a convention over configuration approach.
ModelMapper - ModelMapper is an intelligent object mapping library that automatically maps objects to each other.
Orika - Orika is a Java Bean mapping framework that recursively copies (among other capabilities) data from one object to another.
Selma - Stupid Simple Statically Linked Mapper. Selma is an Annotation Processor Based bean mapper. Workflows
Airflow - A workflow management platform by Airbnb. Miscellaneous
Everything else.
Codename One - Cross platform solution for writing native mobile (iOS, Android, etc.)
Design Patterns - Implementation and explanation of the most common design patterns.
J2ObjC - Java to Objective-C translator for porting Android libraries to iOS.
JBake - Java based static site/blog generator.
jabba - Java Version Manager inspired by nvm.
Jimfs - In-memory file system by Google.
JPad - Snippet runner.
Lanterna - Easy console text GUI library similar to curses.
LightAdmin - Pluggable CRUD UI library for rapid application development.
Modern Java - A Guide to Java 8 - Popular Java 8 guide.
OpenRefine - Tool for working with messy data: cleaning, transforming, extending it with web services and linking it to databases.
Spring - Provides many packages ranging from dependency injection to aspect-oriented programming to security.
Java Modeling Language (JML) - Behavioral interface specification language that can be used to specify the behavior of code modules. It combines the design by contract approach of Eiffel and the model-based specification approach of the Larch family of interface specification languages, with some elements of the refinement calculus. Used by several other verification tools.
Monod - Monod is a (relatively) secure and offline-first Markdown editor we built at TailorDev in order to learn React.js.
prismjs - A Javascript syntax highlighting library. Communities
Active discussions.
r/java - Subreddit for the Java community.
stackoverflow - Question/answer platform.
vJUG - Virtual Java User Group. Influential Books
Books that had a high impact and are still worth reading. Subpages Sources
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